My little hand at poetry...
My little attempts at what are called poems. Spur of the moment thoughts....
Lovers come and go
How painful it must be
to have to reduce somebody
who was once special
to a memory.
-- Mulo Emmanuel --
04h15, 28 January 2007
I Scream!
Just like a pot of water
Before it starts to bubble
Seemingly peaceful..
Even quiet
I boil underneath wit
a rage
And an emotion
Like I have never known
My very heart wants
to burst out
of the cage that
hosts it
And I do not
even feel the calm
breeze of the sea
that blows during
the heavy waves
-- Mulo Emmanuel --
November 2005
I Hide
I don't want to see the world
And I don't want the world
to see me
I feel like a whale in a pond
I feel like a grain of sand on
the beach
The world is large
The world is small
Much is certain
yet not...
I walk boldly in the open
I hide.
-- Mulo Emmanuel --
November 2005
"Never ending struggle between intro and extro"
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